Friday, September 28, 2007

My Very First Blog

This may not be my very first blog, but it is my very first blog for this class. I had a class back at my previous university that made you blog every class and it was a theology class. Anyway, I'm not sure what this firt blog is supposed to be about, but I am just going to use it as a chance to introduce myself, my name is HOV... LOL... I'm just kidding. My name is Brandi and I am an English major. I love to write, ezpecially poetry and creative stories. I am originally from New Orleans, andn yes I did relocate here after Hurricane Katrina. My home and family are ok, and back in New Orleans doing good. I am the oldest of two. My little sister is 16 years old, and thinks she's grown, so I have to let her know sometimes that she is not. Anyway, I hope to graduate within the next year or so, and possible persue a career in jouralistic writing. I can up here with two cousins, and had a couple of aunts with families already up here. I sometimes get homesick, like when I know that something really fun is going on at home (Mardi Gras, Bayou Classic, etc) I have a group of great friends I've made here, and am very happy with where life has taken me. The only thing that I could complain about is the fact that I need a car. Everyoen knows how hard it is to get around Texas without a car, since eveything is so spaced out, and far away from everything else.

That's about all I have to say folks......


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